In all factors of vegetation structure characteristic, the average height of shrubs, the average canopy of trees and the average canopy of grass are difference factors in whole level, and the density of Black birch ( Betula dnvurica) is difference factor in specific composition level. 各样地的植被结构特征因子中,灌木平均高度、乔木平均盖度(郁蔽度)、草本平均盖度是各样地在总体水平上的差异因子,黑桦密度是样地树种组成水平上的差异因子;
The significant edge effect was found in Korean pine, white birch, black birch and aspen stands. 边缘效应表现显著的树种有红松、白桦、山杨和黑桦。
The influence of different black liquor pretreatment conditions on the birch kraft pulping was studied. 研究了不同黑液预处理条件对硫酸盐蒸煮黑液预处理桦木,硫酸盐蒸煮的影响。
And the black dragon hill forest birch in young and middle aged forest harvesting and forest stand growth and structure were analyzed, mainly including: the average diameter of stand diameter structure, accumulation, spatial structure, etc.. 并对黑龙山林场白桦中幼龄林采伐前后林分生长和结构差异进行分析,主要包括:林分平均直径、蓄积、直径结构、空间结构等。
The two differ, Luan of the first month forest farm forest more class, while the black dragon hill forest birch sapling forest maximum diameter is 9, and the tree numbers less. 两地不同之处在于,孟滦林场大阶级林木较多,而黑龙山林场白桦幼龄林最大径阶为9,且林木株数较少。
Black dragon hill forest birch sapling forest aggregation degree than Luan of the first month forest birch sapling forest aggregation degree is bigger. 黑龙山林场白桦幼龄林聚集程度比孟滦林场白桦幼龄林聚集程度较大。